#Transition Resources for Parents

Parents’ guide to the transition of their adult child to college, career, and community An online module from the HEATH Resource Center, now part of the National Youth Transitions Center. http://heath.gwu.edu/parents-guide-transition
Getting ready for when your teen reaches the age of majority: A parent’s guide Age of majority is the age when children legally become adults. In most states the age of majority is age 18. This tip sheet for parents discusses what’s important to consider in preparing and is part of a series of briefs that includes stand-alone tip sheets on getting ready for healthcare, for managing financial matters, and for independent living. There is also a companion webinar/age-of-majority-parentguide/
Wondering what path your child will take after high school? This brochure was created to help families understand the basics of transition planning, including its purpose, who is involved, and the process as a whole. You can edit it to fit your needs. AND it’s available in English and Spanish. http://transitioncoalition.org/blog/tc-materials/transition-planning/
Planning for success: Supporting transitions through high school to college and career This  40-page booklet is written by parents for other parents, to share their experiences in preparing their children for college and career. They discuss why preparing is so important, describe the academic and personal behaviors young people need, take a look at the Common Core State Standards and testing, and much more. A publication of the NYC Board of Education. http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/9FDD0841-D54D-4D16-ADAA-9F116B79F645/0/ParentGuide_forCCL_updated080712.pdf
Resources to assist youth with the transition to a successful adulthood This collection of helpful resources from the Social Security Administration provides information on and links to a wide variety of employment supports and national and community resources. https://www.parentcenterhub.org/resources-for-successful-transition-to-adulthood/
Exceptional Parent’s annual employment and transition guide For parents, obviously! Learn about youth empowerment groups and self-advocacy, transition planning for youth with complex care needs, job coaches, and more. http://reader.mediawiremobile.com/epmagazine/issues/202010/viewer?page=1
Developing financial capability among youth: How families can help This InfoBrief comes from NCWD/Youth and provides families with suggestions and resources on how to talk with youth about money and assist them in learning and practicing financial management skills through their interactions at home. http://www.ncwd-youth.info/sites/default/files/InfoBrief-42-Developing-Financial-Capability-Among-Youth-How-Families-Can-Help.pdf
Employment 101 There’s a wealth of info about jobs and “getting employed” in this resource. http://parentcenterhub.org/employers/
The 411 on disability disclosure: A workbook for youth with disabilities This workbook is designed for youth and adults working with them to learn about disability disclosure. This workbook helps young people make informed decisions about whether or not to disclose their disability and understand how that decision may impact their education, employment, and social lives. There’s also an audio version of the workbook and many accompanying materials. http://www.ncwd-youth.info/411-on-disability-disclosure
