Home and Community Based Settings Waiver Renewal Fact Sheet

"Every five years states are required to renew their waivers with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  This year the waivers administered by the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services were due to be renewed.  This brought an opportunity for the bureau to make some changes based upon feedback received from individuals and families over the past several years.  The renewal is not in place of the waiver redesign efforts which is still underway.

The effective date of the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS) Family Supports (FS) and Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) waiver renewals is July 16, 2020.

Service descriptions to all of the waiver services were edited to bring greater understanding and clarity.  The following information provides a brief overview of the most significant changes made through the renewal.  To read all of the changes made you may visit https://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/2639.htm.

For questions about your waiver, how to access any of the following services and/or how these changes may affect you please contact your waiver case manager.  Your case manager can work with you to determine how these changes may assist you in living your vision of a good life."

HCBS Waiver Renewal Fact Sheet for Families (1) 7-16-20 by Family Voices Indiana on Scribd
