Free Training Opportunity Webinar on Using Transportation Vouchers

Family Voices is sharing this DDRS bulletin with its members so they can learn more about the transportation issues associated with OASIS and other programs:

TO: Consumers, families, providers, advocates and other interested parties

FROM: Andrew Ranck, DDRS Director of Initiatives

DATE: September 4, 2008

RE: Free Training Opportunity Webinar on Using Transportation Vouchers

To demonstrate the use of transportation vouchers as a means to enhance individual mobility, the Community Transportation Association is hosting a free online webinar on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 for all interested parties. Providers might find this a useful tool to work in tandem with the transportation rates we are developing for the Objective Assessment System for Individual Support (OASIS).

I personally wanted to make you aware of this upcoming free webinar, as it is a great opportunity for you and consumers alike. This Webinar will benefit those considering implementing a voucher program as a strategy to overcome mobility challenges for low-wage earners and workers with disabilities. I encourage all interested parties to take advantage of this free service by registering online at:

Register online to take advantage of this free training opportunity webinar for:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (EST)

Please email if you have any questions.

Thank you.
