#ACA Get Covered Plan Explorer Tool

from Enroll America:

For the start of the third open enrollment period, we've launched a new tool: the Get Covered Plan Explorer.Here's how the tool makes it easier for users to pick the health plan that best fits their needs and budget:
  • It gives people free, personalized estimates of how much they would spend -- not just on premiums, but also out-of-pocket costs -- under each marketplace plan available in their area.
  • Users can also get information about which plans cover their favorite doctors.
  • If you're an enrollment assister, you can use the tool in your appointments with consumers.
To make sure as many consumers as possible know about this free resource, you can embed the tool on your website at no cost. Click here to see the Plan Explorer in action and learn more about how it works.

Want to dig deeper? Register here for a webinar walking through the Plan Explorer 
