ACA Texas Vs Azar
A federal appeals court will hear oral arguments today in Texas v. Azar, the lawsuit in which the Trump Administration and 20 Republican attorneys general are asking the courts to invalidate the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA).
If the courts ultimately adopt the Administration’s position, 20 million people would lose health coverage, and millions more would pay more for coverage or care. The Administration’s health care proposals would have much the same consequences.
Medicare beneficiaries, providers, and plans would face severe harm if the ACA is struck down. The ACA affected many aspects of Medicare, and invalidating the entire law would call all of them into question.
In addition to eliminating the ACA’s Medicaid expansion to low-income adults, striking down the ACA would put other Medicaid initiatives at risk and create massive disruption for state Medicaid programs, even in non-expansion states.

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