Family Voices Indiana has been contacted by several of our members who have concerns about how the transition to 3 vendors for incontinence, ostomy and colostomy supplies will impact them. A letter has been sent to Medicaid members, the content of which is included below for your reference. We hope the following tips will be of assistance during this transition:
- Families are encouraged to contact the new vendors and determine if they carry the supplies or equivalents to meet their needs. This will ease the transition for you that will occur by May 1. The new vendors are:
Binson's Binson's 1-888-217-9610)
Healthcare Products Delivery, Inc. (HPD) 1-866-358-9282
J & B Medical Supply Company 1-866-674-5850 - Families can continue to purchase supplies from their current local vendors until April 30th·
- There was some initial confusion where families were told by their local vendors that they could no longer receive supplies "effective immediately". Family Voices has contacted Medicaid and has been assured that this should not be the case. Your local vendor can serve you until April 30th. Please note, however, that limits have been put into place so you will not be able to "stockpile" supplies.
We have heard some concerns and disagreement from families about this change. FV Indiana shared an action alert on this issue on July 18,2007. We urged families to share their perspective when the decision to move to limited vendors was being considered. If you are interested in receiving similar action alerts in the future, please consider joining us at http://groups. group/FVIndiana
The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) is changing the
incontinence, ostomy and colostomy supply policy for items including but
not limited to diapers, underpads, ostomy bags, gloves, and other such
supplies. The state of Indiana has contracted with the following three
vendors to provide these supplies to IHCP members through mail order:
Binson's Home Health Care Centers
Healthcare Products Delivery, Inc. (HPD)
J & B Medical Supply Company
The contract with the three vendors begins February 1, 2008. The IHCP is
allowing a 90-day transition to ensure that all members affected by this
change have the opportunity to select a vendor by May 1, 2008. Effective
May 1, 2008, all fee-for-service members, which includes Traditional
Medicaid, Medicaid Select and Care Select, will be required to obtain
incontinence, ostomy, and colostomy supplies from one of the above
providers through mail order.
If you are on Hoosier Healthwise managed care this does not affect you
at this time. Please check with your managed care organization about
obtaining these supplies.
The IHCP will provide detailed information about this change to members
who are currently receiving these supplies in an upcoming publication.
The publication will include a list of services that are provided by
each vendor, vendor contact information, and detailed instructions.
Do not take any action at this time. Watch for additional information
coming soon.
***The correct number is 800-291-8011 (or 317-892-3540)