Incontinence Supplies:update

The recent hearing for the proposed injunction was dismissed in favor
of the State, and Medicaid is now moving forward with the incontinence
contract, confident that no appeal will be made.

Medicaid members should start receiving letters of instruction as early
as today March 25 from Medicaid, offering the information on the three
vendors chosen to provide incontinence supplies. These mailings will
continue through mid-April, so some members will be informed later than
Family Voices is including this letter so families can contact the available vendors and
make their choice before the June 1 deadline. We would like to thank
Jud Canada of Healthcare Products Delivery, Inc. for providing us with additional information.

The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) is changing the incontinence, ostomy, and urological supply policy for items including but not limited to diapers, underpads, ostomy bags, gloves, and other such supplies. The state of Indiana has contracted with the following three companies to provide these supplies to IHCP members through mail order:

• Binson’s Home Health Care Centers

• Healthcare Products Delivery, Inc. (HPD)

• J & B Medical Supply Company

This is an update to the original bulletin sent on January 24, 2008 to some IHCP members

Effective June 1, 2008, members covered by Traditional Medicaid, Medicaid Select, and Care Select, will be required to obtain incontinence, ostomy, and urological supplies through mail order from one of the listed providers.

This bulletin contains information about the three providers including how to contact them, services they offer, and the products they can provide.

Steps to Take before June 1, 2008

1. Review the provider information

2. Choose the provider that can best meet your product needs.

3. Contact the provider at the provider’s customer service number to discuss beginning to obtain your supplies from them.

It is important to choose a provider and contact them before June 1, 2008. Effective June 1, 2008, the IHCP will only pay claims for these supplies from one of these three providers. Claims for these supplies from any other provider will be denied.

You can find additional information about the providers at:


Anonymous said…
Genius, you have provided a nice piece of information