Presidential Candidates and disability issues

As Family Voices members prepare to participate in Indiana’s primary election on Tuesday May 6th, we encourage you to learn about the candidates and their positions on issues that impact our families. In that spirit, we are sharing the following:

Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s campaign has released his Plan to Empower Americans with Disabilities and the video of Senator Obama expressing his support for people with disabilities. You can find the Plan and the video at

(PDF)Read the Full Plan
(PDF)Read the plan on Autism Spectrum Disorders

Also, recently Barack Obama's Disability Policy Committee hosted a national Obama Disability Policy Conference Call that attracted hundreds of people from the disability community. You can read the transcript of that conference call at

January 29 Conference Call with Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Disability Policy Committee

(PDF)Read the Transcript from the Captioned Call

Members of Barack Obama’s Disability Policy Committee want to make themselves available to come and speak to individuals and organizations about Barack Obama’s Plan to Empower Americans with Disabilities. Please contact either Maureen at or Doug at if you would be interested in such a meeting.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s campaign website is

Family Voices Indiana has not located an official plan or policy statement related to disability. If you have access to such information, please contact us at You can learn more about Senator Clinton’s thoughts on disability at: Clinton Responds to Disability Candidate Questionnaire

John McCain

John McCain’s campaign website is

Family Voices has not located his official plan or policy statement related to disability. If you have access to such information, please contact us at
