DDRS will begin the implementation of OASIS for the DD, Autism and Support Services HCBS Waivers in July 2008, for those consumers that reside in District 4. DDRS has decided to continue to work with District 4 only, so that we can refine the process and develop the necessary policies and practices for the new model of resource allocation.
All consumers on the DD and Autism Waivers (regardless of annual date) in District 4, will be given their annualized budget amounts in May 2008, by their case manager. This will provide the time for teams to meet and discuss how to best utilize the resource allocations given to each consumer, prior to their annual meetings. Consumers in District 4 will be contacted by their case manager with their allocation amounts and schedule a meeting to choose services.
In District 4, an estimated 80 consumers will have annuals in the month of July 2008, with an expected increase of 80 annuals each month thereafter, through June 2009. All other consumers, statewide, will begin to receive their allocation amounts 90 to 120-days prior to their Annual Plans of Care, beginning in January 2009 (i.e. a consumer with a January 1, 2009 annual renewal, should know their allocation by September 1, 2008 to October 1, 2008). Statewide implementation of OASIS Resource Allocation will be completed by December 31, 2009.
Individuals receiving services under the Support Services Waiver in all BDDS Districts will continue to have an annual $13,500 cap on services and should make service selections within that limit. These individuals will not receive a resource allocation, so teams should begin to plan services accordingly.
DDRS is refining its policy on how to handle consumers with significant changes in the services they need to utilize, due to their newly annualized OASIS budget allocation. Interim and/or final policies will be released as they are developed.
DDRS has increased the rate for Facility Based Services from $23.26 per staff hour (as previously announced) to $24.10 per staff hour. All District 4 consumers with these services should have received an updated NOA/CCB on April 1, 2008, reflecting this increase. If you did not, please contact OASIS-ICAPhelp@fssa.in.gov for resolution.
Any additional rate changes (increases, decreases, or new services) will result in new NOA/CCBs being created and sent to the appropriate providers.
Transportation definitions, policies, and rates for individuals receiving no RHSS, and attending a facility based day program, are still being studied and will be tested in District 4 when developed. The proposed model is to compensate for transportation within the Day Services, to and from a day program facility (one round-trip per day served). No final decision has been made and is being refined.
It is likely that a Day Services Provider will be able to receive transportation dollars for each day a consumer is carried to and from the primary facility for Day Services. The rate will not be intended to compensate for transportation within the day program schedule; only to and from the facility, one round trip per day served. This is only a proposed idea, and will be modeled and refined internally, prior to any final decision and subsequent announcement.
The Invoicing Tool will soon be released for use in District 4. This is specifically for Day Services, including Individual or Group Facility, Community Habilitation, Prevocational Services, and Supported Employment Follow Along.
While residing on the same DDRS webpage, this tool will differ slightly from the Residential Habilitation Invoicing Tool. The Day Service tool will automatically pull from a consumer’s approved NOA units for each month, eliminating the need to enter a service planner for each service or site.
The tool will also allow providers to account for the presence of ICF/MR and Stateline Consumers within the service population of each service definition. This will ensure that all consumers are accounted for and waiver consumers will only be billed for the portion of any shared staff they utilized.
Providers will state units used by each consumer in the form of consumer attendance hours. Target staff hours will be calculated from the NOA’s units available. Providers will then state the staff hours provided during each billing cycle. The tool will only calculate billable amounts for the OASIS waiver consumers. Other revenue streams will need to be calculated separately, for now, just as providers have done in the past.
Further instructions will come with the release of the tool. If agencies need to bill now for cash flow purposes, they may bill any portion of the current April and May NOAs. The provider will be expected to use the invoice tool, once available, to reconcile any previously billed NOAs. This will allow for re-payment of claims, over-billing, or additional claims being created if a consumer’s plan was under-billed.
If the billing tool is not available by June 14, 2008 (for the May 2008 & April 2008 billings); further instructions will be released by DDRS.