Family Voices recognizes that our members have been actively involved in the Article 7 revision process. In an effort to continue that process, we would like to provide an update. On Wednesday, June 4th, the State Board of Education voted unanimously to accept the proposed changes as submitted by the Division of Exceptional Learners. You can view this meeting via streaming video online . The section where the vote and discussion takes place starts at 158:00. Of note is reference to some minor technical amendments and technical clarification that were also passed. These will slightly change the language of any copies you may have of the proposed rule. The Division of Exceptional Learners staff has graciously provided an electronic copy of the Amendments to Family Voices it will be placed in the group files section. Also of note: Board Member Todd Huston indicated that he would like the issues of the BSEA and parental consent to be reviewed one year from now to see how these changes are impacting families and students with disabilities in Indiana. No formal action was taken to ensure or define such a review.
At this the process for reauthorization continues as follows:
June 5, 2008: Family Voices Indiana believes the rules were submitted to the Attorney General's Office. This office has 45 days to review the rule.
July 21, 2008: If the Attorney General's Office approves the rules, the rules go to the Governor's Office. The Governor has 15 days to review the rule and can have a 15 day extension.
August 21, 2008: If the Governor approves the rules, the rules can be filed with the Legislative Services Agency.
September 21, 2008: Rules will go into effect (30 days after filing with the Legislative Services Agency).
NOTE: The timeline could be shortened if Article 7 is approved in less time than the maximum allowable days. For example, if the Attorney General and the Governor each took one week to approve the rules, the rules would go into effect on July 19, 2008
Families may wish to share their thoughts on reauthorization with Governor Daniels since the Attorney General's Office will only be reviewing the rule for legality. The Governor is able to reject the rule. Family Voices reminds its members that such a rejection would be an extraordinary occurrence, and can reasonably be viewed as highly unlikely.
Family Voices urges our members to seek out opportunities to attend trainings on the new rules when they become available (likely late this summer and early next fall) so that you are prepared to effectively advocate for your children.