Family Voices is sharing the following updated info on the transportation webinar posted earlier:
TO: Consumers, families, providers, advocates and other interested parties
FROM: Andrew Ranck, DDRS Director of Initiatives
DATE: September 5, 2008
RE: Transportation Vouchers Webinar Closed
The Community Transportation Association’s free online webinar on the use of Transportation Voucher’s for Wednesday, September 10, 2008 is full. For those who did not get registered, please note that this webinar will be recorded and available for online review about one week following the main presentation. The recorded session will be archived at:
Remember, providers might find this a useful tool to work in tandem with the transportation rates we are developing for the Objective Assessment System for Individual Supports (OASIS), so anyone who didn’t get registered for the September 10 webinar can still benefit by reviewing the recording when it becomes available.
Thank you.
Family Voices contacted the host of the webinar and received the following clarification:
For some reason I think some participants got the email that there was a webinar weeks after it happened. The webinar registration was actually open for about 2 weeks before we had to close it due to such a high attendance rate. Unfortunately there will not be another webinar offered on the same topic. But we do record all of our webinars so if you visit: and visit the "Joblinks Archives Page" about a week after the webinar you will be able to re-watch everything that happened.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope this helps!