NAMI is working on federal legislation, The Healthcare Crisis Relief Act, designed to increase the number of child-serving mental health professionals (child-psychiatrists, child-psychologists, child-serving social workers, child-serving counselors, etc.) across the country. As we go to Capitol Hill in support of this legislation, we are developing fact sheets with colleague organizations that will include quotes from families about the impact on children and families when they cannot access mental health services for their child because they do not have access to a mental health provider, must travel long distances to see a mental health provider, and/or must wait on long waiting lists for services. If any of these issues have impacted your child and family, we would ask that you please consider sending us a short quote that describes the circumstances and the impact on your child and family. Again, we ask that you keep it short because we will not have a whole lot of room on our fact sheets. Please also include your first name and the city and state in which you live. We are working to have these done fairly quickly, so please send your quote before January 21st . All quotes should be e-mailed to Bianca Ruffin at Thanks very much for your assistance.Bianca RuffinProgram AssistantNAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Child & Adolescent Action Center2107 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300Arlington, VA 22201Direct: 703.516.0698Toll Free: 1.800.950.NAMI (6264)Fax: