Parents who have children with heritable conditions are invited to participate in an all day stakeholder meeting in Indianapolis on April 29th on genetics and newborn screening. The stakeholder meeting, hosted by the Region 4 Genetics Collaborative, will include discussions on a variety of topics about how our region is working to improve the lives of children with heritable conditions and their families. Professionals such as genetic counselors, pediatricians, physicians and genetic specialists will also be attending. After the stakeholder meeting, parents are invited to participate in a facilitated discussion focusing on how having a child with a heritable condition effects your family. The experiences and thoughts of families are very important to help professionals understand family needs and issues. The Region 4 Genetics Collaborative will reimburse parents for travel costs to and from the summit and will be given $50 for their participation. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. For more information or if you are interested in registering, please contact Sarah Wedepohl at or (248) 761-2553.