Family Voices Indiana shares our members’ commitment to ensuring Indiana’s systems and services meet the needs of families. To that end, we encourage each of you to share your input on pending changes to the eligibility for Indiana’s Children Special Health Care program. Please share your thoughts via email to the following:
Director of Children’s, Kathy Bowen,
Medical Director, Dr. Judith Ganser,
Director of State Department of Health, Dr. Judy Monroe,
Your State Representatives. You can find their contact information at:
It is important that these policy makers hear from as many families, providers, friends and others as possible in the next 2 weeks. We encourage you to share your support for this program. A personal email requesting the current eligibility guidelines be maintained at their current levels is very powerful.
Talking points to consider in addition to your personal story include:
Children's has for many years provided critical relief for many Indiana families who are faced with the catastrophic cost of raising a child with a special health care need. We believe that a reduction in eligibility, particularly in the current economic climate, represents a step backwards in Indiana's efforts to ensure children have access to needed care.
· As outlined in the attached document, the 25% reduction in income limits represents a significant change.
· That the Department of Health has chosen to make this change outside of a rule change process creates additional concern; removing the family voice from this process reinforces barriers to information and systems and undermines the family/professional partnerships that are the keys to continued improvement in meeting Special Health Care needs in our state.
· This effort to reduce eligibility follows several years when we and other family groups throughout the state were repeatedly told that the CSHCS program was underutilized.
Many families in Indiana rely on CSHCS to supplement private insurance. It is also critical to many families waiting for years for a Medicaid waiver. Even if you personally do not utilize CSHCS, it is still critical for you to share your concerns about the impact it will have on our community.
Healthcare access is a national issue, and it has been given a high priority, especially for children. It is counter -productive for Indiana to decrease eligibility for CSHCS when so many families are struggling to access medical services for their children.
Please take action; send an email; share this information with others (often family and friends are willing to advocate on behalf of issues that are important to our families). To help us gauge our impact, consider CC on your email or send us a short note about your efforts and any response you have received.
Thank you on behalf of Indiana families and the families yet to come!
Director of Children’s, Kathy Bowen,
Medical Director, Dr. Judith Ganser,
Director of State Department of Health, Dr. Judy Monroe,
Your State Representatives. You can find their contact information at:
It is important that these policy makers hear from as many families, providers, friends and others as possible in the next 2 weeks. We encourage you to share your support for this program. A personal email requesting the current eligibility guidelines be maintained at their current levels is very powerful.
Talking points to consider in addition to your personal story include:
Children's has for many years provided critical relief for many Indiana families who are faced with the catastrophic cost of raising a child with a special health care need. We believe that a reduction in eligibility, particularly in the current economic climate, represents a step backwards in Indiana's efforts to ensure children have access to needed care.
· As outlined in the attached document, the 25% reduction in income limits represents a significant change.
· That the Department of Health has chosen to make this change outside of a rule change process creates additional concern; removing the family voice from this process reinforces barriers to information and systems and undermines the family/professional partnerships that are the keys to continued improvement in meeting Special Health Care needs in our state.
· This effort to reduce eligibility follows several years when we and other family groups throughout the state were repeatedly told that the CSHCS program was underutilized.
Many families in Indiana rely on CSHCS to supplement private insurance. It is also critical to many families waiting for years for a Medicaid waiver. Even if you personally do not utilize CSHCS, it is still critical for you to share your concerns about the impact it will have on our community.
Healthcare access is a national issue, and it has been given a high priority, especially for children. It is counter -productive for Indiana to decrease eligibility for CSHCS when so many families are struggling to access medical services for their children.
Please take action; send an email; share this information with others (often family and friends are willing to advocate on behalf of issues that are important to our families). To help us gauge our impact, consider CC on your email or send us a short note about your efforts and any response you have received.
Thank you on behalf of Indiana families and the families yet to come!