Family Voices Indiana believes individuals and families should have information that relates to services they may access in order to be a better consumer and advocate. The following is a bulletin from DDRS explaining the budget modification requests under OASIS (affecting the DD and Autism waivers)
The mission of the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) is to facilitate effective partnerships which enhance the quality of life for the people we serve in the community and pursuits of their choice. With strong leadership, we remain focused on supporting those we serve and committed to effective, efficient and successful stewardship of the state’s financial resources. Individuals and businesses alike are feeling the effects of our current economy, and government is no exception. The State of Indiana is challenged with making tough decisions so that we might avoid budget cuts and reductions in services happening across our nation. At the same time, we must balance our goals with fiscal responsibility. DDRS is committed to providing continuity of care for our existing consumers and continuing efforts to bring people off our waiting list for waiver services. To continue being a leader and innovator of services to individuals with disabilities, we must make adjustments in how we do business and how we operate. The following pages outline some necessary changes we are making to ensure we are able to meet our goals and objectives. We encourage you to review the following information and contact us through the Help Lines if you have questions.
BUDGET MODIFICATION REQUESTS The Budget Modification Request (BMR) process began on April 1, 2009 to support consumers on the Developmental Disabilities (DD) and Autism (AU) waivers. The BMR process was put into place for consumers who experience circumstances where additional funds are needed for short-term, unanticipated situations. Each initial event may be approved for up to ninety (90) days.
Renewing BMRs If short term support is still required, additional BMR’s may be submitted on a month-to-month basis, not to exceed 180 days from the initial event. It is important to note that additional BMR requests after the initial approval will require extensive documentation as well as ongoing status reports. However; additional requests for BMRs under the “other” category will no longer be permitted after the current approved BMR expires.
It is very important for consumers and providers to partner with us by seeking and discovering ways to share resources so that we can limit the number of additional changes we may need to make in the future. Consumers, families, providers, advocates, and other stakeholders must begin to seek innovative ways to manage their resources as well.
The State of Indiana is requesting that consumers, families, providers, advocates and other stakeholders seek innovative ways to manage their resources by seeking alternatives that are respectful, reasonable, and responsible such as: Shared staffing Shared living arrangements Electronic Monitoring Systems/Technology Services Assistive/Adaptive Technology Day Program Utilization
HELP LINE RESOURCES Please direct any questions you may have to our Help Line Resources. OASIS-ICAP Help Lines: (317) 234-5222 or 1-888-527-0008 Email: DDRS Website: OASIS Bulletin Archive:
Consumer specific questions regarding your BMR, contact your case manager or the IPMG Help Line: IPMG Toll Free Phone: 1-866-672-4764, extension 261 Website: DDRS Mailing Address: MS-26 DDRS/OASIS ICAP-Help 402 W. Washington Street W451 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
You can read the entire bulletin here: