Family Voices believes that understanding how a system is supposed to work can often help families be good partners and advocates. To support that knowledge, FV Indiana encourages its members to be aware of the following changes to the ICAP Assessment and Addendum Questions, affecting the DD and Autism waivers. The Support Services waiver is not affected because it has a set cap on its budget allocation.
This bulletin includes information on the process for verifying assessment inputs for individuals receiving Developmental Disabilities (DD) and Autism (AU) Medicaid waiver services from the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS). The process for verifying the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP) Assessment, Addendum Questions and other inputs includes, but is not limited to, current living situation, current residential staffing need, and current work/volunteer activities. Because OASIS is under suspension and we are not currently releasing allocations, the verification process described in this bulletin is subject to change.
Effective August 24, 2009, we are requesting that all providers of waiver services login to inSync and verify inputs for each consumer served (DD and AU waivers only.) To participate in this process, providers must be registered with Indiana Professional Management Group’s (IPMG) inSync web-based system.
General questions or concerns regarding the OASIS initiative:
OASIS-ICAP Help Lines: (317) 234-5222 or 1-888-527-0008 Email: DDRS Website: OASIS Bulletin Archive:
Consumer specific questions or concerns regarding your annual renewal process or the inSync system, contact your case manager or the IPMG Help Line:
IPMG Toll Free Phone: 1-866-672-4764, extension 261 Website:
This bulletin includes information on the process for verifying assessment inputs for individuals receiving Developmental Disabilities (DD) and Autism (AU) Medicaid waiver services from the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS). The process for verifying the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP) Assessment, Addendum Questions and other inputs includes, but is not limited to, current living situation, current residential staffing need, and current work/volunteer activities. Because OASIS is under suspension and we are not currently releasing allocations, the verification process described in this bulletin is subject to change.
Effective August 24, 2009, we are requesting that all providers of waiver services login to inSync and verify inputs for each consumer served (DD and AU waivers only.) To participate in this process, providers must be registered with Indiana Professional Management Group’s (IPMG) inSync web-based system.
General questions or concerns regarding the OASIS initiative:
OASIS-ICAP Help Lines: (317) 234-5222 or 1-888-527-0008 Email: DDRS Website: OASIS Bulletin Archive:
Consumer specific questions or concerns regarding your annual renewal process or the inSync system, contact your case manager or the IPMG Help Line:
IPMG Toll Free Phone: 1-866-672-4764, extension 261 Website: