Message from the Child Care and Early Learning Coalition
Dear Supporters,
As an early childhood advocate, you know how important the federal budget is to sustaining critical early childhood education programs. To make sure that the FY 2011 federal budget includes the funds that these programs need to support children and families, the early childhood community is joining forces to contact the White House.
On Wednesday and Thursday, December 9th and 10th, advocates from across the country will contact the White House to ask them to increase funding for early childhood programs in the 2011 budget.
So why contact the Obama administration now? The administration is currently working on its budget recommendations for the next fiscal year and we need to make sure that early childhood programs are prioritized. The President’s budget sends a signal to Congress on what should be the top investments in the next budget cycle --- ultimately setting the blueprint for what gets in the budget.
Please take action today by contacting the White House. There are two ways you can contact the President:
• Leave a message for President Obama on the White House Comments line in support of early childhood education programs. To call the comments line dial 202-456-1111. (You may need to call more than once if you get a busy signal.) Here is a sample script: My name is ________ and I’m from (Insert Organization) in (City), (State). Please help children get the strong start they need to succeed in school by including a $3.7 billion increase for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, another $3.7 billion increase for Head Start and Early Head Start, a $400 million increase for IDEA Preschool and a $500 million increase for infants and toddlers with disabilities and special needs.
• Send President Obama an e-mail in support of early childhood education programs. To e-mail the President, fill out the form on this website: Here is a sample message: Dear President Obama, Please help children get the strong start they need to succeed in school by including a $3.7 billion increase for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, another $3.7 billion increase for Head Start and Early Head Start, a $400 million increase for IDEA Preschool and a $500 million increase for infants & toddlers with disabilities and special needs. These programs help children learn and develop skills they need to succeed in school and in life. They also help families get ahead by giving parents the support and peace of mind they need to be productive at work. Please make sure to include these increases in your budget recommendations for FY 2011.
Please urge your networks and friends to take action on Wednesday and Thursday, December 9th and 10th. The more people who take action, the more our voices will be heard in this very important budget process.
Dear Supporters,
As an early childhood advocate, you know how important the federal budget is to sustaining critical early childhood education programs. To make sure that the FY 2011 federal budget includes the funds that these programs need to support children and families, the early childhood community is joining forces to contact the White House.
On Wednesday and Thursday, December 9th and 10th, advocates from across the country will contact the White House to ask them to increase funding for early childhood programs in the 2011 budget.
So why contact the Obama administration now? The administration is currently working on its budget recommendations for the next fiscal year and we need to make sure that early childhood programs are prioritized. The President’s budget sends a signal to Congress on what should be the top investments in the next budget cycle --- ultimately setting the blueprint for what gets in the budget.
Please take action today by contacting the White House. There are two ways you can contact the President:
• Leave a message for President Obama on the White House Comments line in support of early childhood education programs. To call the comments line dial 202-456-1111. (You may need to call more than once if you get a busy signal.) Here is a sample script: My name is ________ and I’m from (Insert Organization) in (City), (State). Please help children get the strong start they need to succeed in school by including a $3.7 billion increase for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, another $3.7 billion increase for Head Start and Early Head Start, a $400 million increase for IDEA Preschool and a $500 million increase for infants and toddlers with disabilities and special needs.
• Send President Obama an e-mail in support of early childhood education programs. To e-mail the President, fill out the form on this website: Here is a sample message: Dear President Obama, Please help children get the strong start they need to succeed in school by including a $3.7 billion increase for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, another $3.7 billion increase for Head Start and Early Head Start, a $400 million increase for IDEA Preschool and a $500 million increase for infants & toddlers with disabilities and special needs. These programs help children learn and develop skills they need to succeed in school and in life. They also help families get ahead by giving parents the support and peace of mind they need to be productive at work. Please make sure to include these increases in your budget recommendations for FY 2011.
Please urge your networks and friends to take action on Wednesday and Thursday, December 9th and 10th. The more people who take action, the more our voices will be heard in this very important budget process.