Family Voices Indiana shares the following opportunity for input as presented by Alexandra Curlin:
This is a GREAT time for special education! Indiana has a “two-tiered” system for special education. That means before going to federal court to prove their cases, cases must be appealed to Indiana’s Board of Special Education Appeals (BSEA). The BSEA is inefficient, costly and unfair. The cases are most routinely rubber stamped in support of the hearing officer below, oftentimes with no real analysis by the members of the board. There are many who feel that the only time a case is reversed at the BSEA level is when the parent has won below. The BSEA is inconsistent and their decisions hold no precedential value. However, parties are required to make a pass through before going to federal court- which is the entity that is really equipped to handle the case and dole out appropriate remedies.
After a HUGE battle, there is finally legislation that will abolish the BSEA. Below, you will find the website to make comments regarding this legislation. Please log on to the link below and support this legislation. This is a HUGE victory for parents because of the savings in time, cost, and stress in these types of cases. Please show support of this legislation. The public hearing is on February 22. Please send your comment before then. Thanks for your support.
This is a GREAT time for special education! Indiana has a “two-tiered” system for special education. That means before going to federal court to prove their cases, cases must be appealed to Indiana’s Board of Special Education Appeals (BSEA). The BSEA is inefficient, costly and unfair. The cases are most routinely rubber stamped in support of the hearing officer below, oftentimes with no real analysis by the members of the board. There are many who feel that the only time a case is reversed at the BSEA level is when the parent has won below. The BSEA is inconsistent and their decisions hold no precedential value. However, parties are required to make a pass through before going to federal court- which is the entity that is really equipped to handle the case and dole out appropriate remedies.
After a HUGE battle, there is finally legislation that will abolish the BSEA. Below, you will find the website to make comments regarding this legislation. Please log on to the link below and support this legislation. This is a HUGE victory for parents because of the savings in time, cost, and stress in these types of cases. Please show support of this legislation. The public hearing is on February 22. Please send your comment before then. Thanks for your support.