Reduction in Home Health Reimbursement
FV Indiana has been hearing concerns from our members about reductions to Medicaid. We sought additional information from OMPP and were told:
"There has been an announcement that home health agencies will have a 5% rate reduction beginning April 1st; however, Indiana Medicaid has not reduced any benefits to our members. I have attached a bulletin with the information."
A memo on this subject is shown in part below with the entire memo available using the links listed. FV Indiana urges members who are hearing from providers that their benefits are being reduced to communicate with OMPP to resolve the issue.
To: Home Health Agencies
Subject: Reduction in Home Health Reimbursement
P. O. Box 7263
Indianapolis, IN 46207-7263
For more information visit
The Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP) is promulgating an emergency rule to avoid an anticipated budgetary shortfall and to remain within the available Medicaid appropriation. The result is a reduction in reimbursement for home health services reimbursed under 405 IAC 1-4.2.
Reimbursement for home health services with a “from” date of service on or after April 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011, will be reduced by 5 percent. The reduction will apply prior to subtracting any applicable third-party liability (TPL) payments.
Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to Customer Assistance at (317) 655-3240 or toll free at 1-800-577-1278.
If you need additional copies of this bulletin, please download them from the IHCP Web site at To receive e-mail notification of future IHCP publications, subscribe to the IHCP E-mail Notifications at
"There has been an announcement that home health agencies will have a 5% rate reduction beginning April 1st; however, Indiana Medicaid has not reduced any benefits to our members. I have attached a bulletin with the information."
A memo on this subject is shown in part below with the entire memo available using the links listed. FV Indiana urges members who are hearing from providers that their benefits are being reduced to communicate with OMPP to resolve the issue.
To: Home Health Agencies
Subject: Reduction in Home Health Reimbursement
P. O. Box 7263
Indianapolis, IN 46207-7263
For more information visit
The Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP) is promulgating an emergency rule to avoid an anticipated budgetary shortfall and to remain within the available Medicaid appropriation. The result is a reduction in reimbursement for home health services reimbursed under 405 IAC 1-4.2.
Reimbursement for home health services with a “from” date of service on or after April 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011, will be reduced by 5 percent. The reduction will apply prior to subtracting any applicable third-party liability (TPL) payments.
Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to Customer Assistance at (317) 655-3240 or toll free at 1-800-577-1278.
If you need additional copies of this bulletin, please download them from the IHCP Web site at To receive e-mail notification of future IHCP publications, subscribe to the IHCP E-mail Notifications at