First Steps ICC Meeting, May 12

Below, please find a draft agenda for the May 12 ICC meeting that will begin at 10AM. There will be a time for public comment during the meeting. You are also invited to participate on any of the ICC Workgroups that may interest you.

Proposed Agenda
ICC Meeting, May 12, 2010
Easter Seals Crossroads, 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46205
10:00 AM- 3:00 PM

10:00-11:00 AM **Council Workgroups Meet. * chairperson. (Public invited to participate)
A. Nature of the ICC (Claudia Cummings *, Missy Hahn, Paul Hyslop)
B. Promoting Parent rights, skills, knowledge and responsibilities (Sarah Sparks *, Phyllis Kikendall, Christina Endris)
C. Service Availability and Best Practice (Jamie Stormont-Smith *, Dawn Downer, Lora Miller)
D. Statewide Consistency in Service Delivery (Jim Vento *, Molly Kitchell, Becky Haymond)
E. Transition ( Susie Lightle *, Donna Driscoll, Kim Minniear)
11:00-12:00 Workgroups reports
12:00 Lunch on site for ICC members
1:00 Regular ICC Business
Minutes, State updates, update on cost participation
1:30 LPCC Presentations (5-7 min each + Q & A)
• Cluster A-Jillian Condon
• Cluster B-Jennifer Higgins
• Cluster TBD
• Cluster F- Peggy Eppert
• Cluster I- (Presenter TBD)
2:45 Questions from the Public
3:00 Adjourn
**So that workgroups can be productive in the short meeting time allotted, workgroup chairpersons are asked to identify action items for discussion. A short progress report can then be shared with the ICC.

Future ICC Meetings August 11, 2010 10-3PM Pro-Kids
