Family Voices is partnering with researchers at Georgetown University to track how health reform is affecting families, and in particular, families who have children with special health care needs. If you are willing to help with this effort, we would like to interview you twice about your child’s health care coverage- once now and once in the Spring of 2011. Each of these interviews should take approximately an hour. We will use the information to help inform policymakers about what is working and what isn’t when it comes to the early stages of implementation of health reform. Any information that you provide will be kept totally confidential and your identity will be protected and you will receive some compensation for participating in the project. Additionally, should you need additional assistance in dealing with whatever difficulties you are experiencing due to health reform, we will make sure that you are connected with your F2F or any other entity that we think could be helpful to you.
We are focusing on some of the early aspects of health care reform so if you have a child with a pre-existing condition, if you have been unable to get your child covered, if you are unhappy with your coverage, or if your child is an adult child under the age of 26 and experiencing problems with health insurance, please let us know! We expect our findings will be well anticipated and received by the federal government so this really is a unique opportunity to not only help insure that the process of health reform meets its intent, but that we can also help you and your families with whatever challenges you are facing related to reform's implementation.
If you are interested and/or willing to participate, please contact Brooke Lehmann at Include in your email, your name, address, phone number and a brief explanation of the circumstances you are facing. We will then get back to you with more information.
We are focusing on some of the early aspects of health care reform so if you have a child with a pre-existing condition, if you have been unable to get your child covered, if you are unhappy with your coverage, or if your child is an adult child under the age of 26 and experiencing problems with health insurance, please let us know! We expect our findings will be well anticipated and received by the federal government so this really is a unique opportunity to not only help insure that the process of health reform meets its intent, but that we can also help you and your families with whatever challenges you are facing related to reform's implementation.
If you are interested and/or willing to participate, please contact Brooke Lehmann at Include in your email, your name, address, phone number and a brief explanation of the circumstances you are facing. We will then get back to you with more information.