DDRS has released several announcements on October 1. The changes to First Steps and pre-voc were outlined in a previous email. The following information is most relevant to those receiving home and community based waivers-specifically the Developmental Disability (DD) waiver and/or the Autism waiver. Those waiting for those services will eventually be affected once they receive services.
Family Voices encourages its members to become more educated about these changes and to share your comments/concerns with DDRS and your state legislators. Information on how to contact your state legislator can be found here: http://www.in.gov/legislative/legislators/
We encourage you to also contact Representative Sheila Klinker, chair of the DD commission:
Representative Sheila Klinker
Indiana House of Representatives
200 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
email: h27@in.gov
If there are forums around the state, or other opportunities to provide input, FV will share that information when it becomes available.
A complete document outlining the state's application for HCBS to CMS (Centers for Medicaid and Medicare) can be found here: http://www.in.gov/fssa/files/DDW20100930.pdf
It is important to note the language regarding participant centered planning in Appendix D (page 175) and how the new reserves might not support that.
From DDRS:
If you have questions or feedback about DDRS/BDDS programs and services, you may contact them at BDDSHelp@fssa.in.gov or visit DDRS online at http://www.ddrs.IN.gov
Developmental Disabilities Services
Objective Based Allocations
The newly created Personal Allocation Review (PAR) unit will facilitate the transition to Objective Based Allocations (OBA) beginning with individuals whose Cost Comparison
Budget (CCB) anniversary date is January 1, 2011. As an individual’s CCB comes up for annual renewal, the team will receive an allocation objectively determined by the
Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP), behavioral and medical addendum, and living arrangement. These factors determine an individual’s Algorithm Level and
accompanying needs descriptor and allocation. An individual’s OBA may differ greatly from the budget they received in previous years. The OBA serves as a method to
narrow the disparity between individuals receiving services.
The PARS unit will review preliminary allocations prior to their release to audit and compare the Algorithm Level to collateral case documentation. The OBA determination
includes emphasis on Day Services, Behavior Management, and Employment. Taking a building block approach to budget construction, the Bureau of Developmental
Disabilities Services (BDDS) expects all individuals to receive a meaningful day that includes Day Services and employment driven opportunities. Each budget allocation
from individuals will include a reserve amount for Day Service and depending on their Algorithm Level, a reserve of yearly behavior management hours.
Budgets are expected to be built using Day Service and Behavior Management as the first building blocks and then Residential Habilitation Services (RHS) for the remaining day and residential time following. Collaboration with Medicaid Health Coverage Services and Prior Authorization is expected to be part of an individual’s budget, as applicable. A strong relationship with Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) counselors is also expected as the State encourages individuals with Disabilities to pursue employment and vocational skill building.
FV note: A chart delineating these specific dollar amounts can be found at the FV yahoogroup, or at the online site: http://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/3350.htm
When will this budget allocation process begin? All initial budgets (including those leaving a State Operated Facility (SOF) and Supervised Group Living (SGL) placement), all expiring transitional budgets and all budget renewals after January 1, 2011 will be developed with objective based allocations.
Family Voices encourages its members to become more educated about these changes and to share your comments/concerns with DDRS and your state legislators. Information on how to contact your state legislator can be found here: http://www.in.gov/legislative/legislators/
We encourage you to also contact Representative Sheila Klinker, chair of the DD commission:
Representative Sheila Klinker
Indiana House of Representatives
200 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
email: h27@in.gov
If there are forums around the state, or other opportunities to provide input, FV will share that information when it becomes available.
A complete document outlining the state's application for HCBS to CMS (Centers for Medicaid and Medicare) can be found here: http://www.in.gov/fssa/files/DDW20100930.pdf
It is important to note the language regarding participant centered planning in Appendix D (page 175) and how the new reserves might not support that.
From DDRS:
If you have questions or feedback about DDRS/BDDS programs and services, you may contact them at BDDSHelp@fssa.in.gov or visit DDRS online at http://www.ddrs.IN.gov
Developmental Disabilities Services
Objective Based Allocations
The newly created Personal Allocation Review (PAR) unit will facilitate the transition to Objective Based Allocations (OBA) beginning with individuals whose Cost Comparison
Budget (CCB) anniversary date is January 1, 2011. As an individual’s CCB comes up for annual renewal, the team will receive an allocation objectively determined by the
Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP), behavioral and medical addendum, and living arrangement. These factors determine an individual’s Algorithm Level and
accompanying needs descriptor and allocation. An individual’s OBA may differ greatly from the budget they received in previous years. The OBA serves as a method to
narrow the disparity between individuals receiving services.
The PARS unit will review preliminary allocations prior to their release to audit and compare the Algorithm Level to collateral case documentation. The OBA determination
includes emphasis on Day Services, Behavior Management, and Employment. Taking a building block approach to budget construction, the Bureau of Developmental
Disabilities Services (BDDS) expects all individuals to receive a meaningful day that includes Day Services and employment driven opportunities. Each budget allocation
from individuals will include a reserve amount for Day Service and depending on their Algorithm Level, a reserve of yearly behavior management hours.
Budgets are expected to be built using Day Service and Behavior Management as the first building blocks and then Residential Habilitation Services (RHS) for the remaining day and residential time following. Collaboration with Medicaid Health Coverage Services and Prior Authorization is expected to be part of an individual’s budget, as applicable. A strong relationship with Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) counselors is also expected as the State encourages individuals with Disabilities to pursue employment and vocational skill building.
FV note: A chart delineating these specific dollar amounts can be found at the FV yahoogroup, or at the online site: http://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/3350.htm
When will this budget allocation process begin? All initial budgets (including those leaving a State Operated Facility (SOF) and Supervised Group Living (SGL) placement), all expiring transitional budgets and all budget renewals after January 1, 2011 will be developed with objective based allocations.