DDRS has released several announcements on October 1. The changes to First Steps was outlined in a previous email. The following information is most relevant to those receiving pre-vocational or Supported Employment Follow Along (SEFA) services. Those waiting for those services will eventually be affected once they receive services.
Family Voices encourages its members to become more educated about these changes and to share your comments/concerns with DDRS and your state legislators. Information on how to contact your state legislator can be found here: http://www.in.gov/legislative/legislators/
If there are forums around the state, or other opportunities to provide input, FV will share that information when it becomes available.
From DDRS:
If you have questions or feedback about DDRS/BDDS programs and services, you may contact them at BDDSHelp@fssa.in.gov or visit DDRS online at http://www.ddrs.IN.gov
Pre-voc/SEFA Services
After much work with advocates and industry representatives, DDRS has agreed to request the removal of a time limit on Prevocational Services. As a result of the
elimination of time-limits in pre-vocational services a new rate system will be in effect. The new rates create a system where payment is based on the group size and not the specific service being provided; reducing documentation for the provider. The three group sizes are 4:1 or smaller, 5:1-10:1, and larger than 10:1. The overall reduction is 5% - 7 % of the overall spend from the services of Community Habilitation, Facility Habilitation and Pre-Vocational services.
FV note: A chart delineating these specific dollar amounts can be found at the FV yahoogroup, or at the online site: http://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/3350.htm
Additionally, DDRS will be working with the industry to further clarify the Supported Employment Follow Along (SEFA) service definition. SEFA continues to be time-limited
to 18 months per employment setting, though in certain situations we know that SEFA will be needed beyond the approved 18 months.
Beginning January 1, 2011, and every 6 months that the individual is on SEFA or Pre- voc services, progress reviews of these services will be required to ensure individuals
are working appropriately towards the goals outlined in their plan. The case manager will complete a monitoring tool which will be used to gauge progress and the need for
continued service.
An amendment with regard to the above changes is currently being drafted for the Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver and Support Services Waiver (SSW) and
submission and approval will be requested from CMS within the next 30 days.
Family Voices encourages its members to become more educated about these changes and to share your comments/concerns with DDRS and your state legislators. Information on how to contact your state legislator can be found here: http://www.in.gov/legislative/legislators/
If there are forums around the state, or other opportunities to provide input, FV will share that information when it becomes available.
From DDRS:
If you have questions or feedback about DDRS/BDDS programs and services, you may contact them at BDDSHelp@fssa.in.gov or visit DDRS online at http://www.ddrs.IN.gov
Pre-voc/SEFA Services
After much work with advocates and industry representatives, DDRS has agreed to request the removal of a time limit on Prevocational Services. As a result of the
elimination of time-limits in pre-vocational services a new rate system will be in effect. The new rates create a system where payment is based on the group size and not the specific service being provided; reducing documentation for the provider. The three group sizes are 4:1 or smaller, 5:1-10:1, and larger than 10:1. The overall reduction is 5% - 7 % of the overall spend from the services of Community Habilitation, Facility Habilitation and Pre-Vocational services.
FV note: A chart delineating these specific dollar amounts can be found at the FV yahoogroup, or at the online site: http://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/3350.htm
Additionally, DDRS will be working with the industry to further clarify the Supported Employment Follow Along (SEFA) service definition. SEFA continues to be time-limited
to 18 months per employment setting, though in certain situations we know that SEFA will be needed beyond the approved 18 months.
Beginning January 1, 2011, and every 6 months that the individual is on SEFA or Pre- voc services, progress reviews of these services will be required to ensure individuals
are working appropriately towards the goals outlined in their plan. The case manager will complete a monitoring tool which will be used to gauge progress and the need for
continued service.
An amendment with regard to the above changes is currently being drafted for the Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver and Support Services Waiver (SSW) and
submission and approval will be requested from CMS within the next 30 days.