FV Indiana shares the following update from The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative:
The Bureau of Child Development Services (BCDS) supports an early intervention program for children with developmental disabilities from birth to three years old, through the First Steps program. As BCDS continues to look at effective ways to secure a sustainable future for the First Steps program, adjustments are being implemented in order to continue to provide vital services to the children and families we serve.
Changes to the program are aimed at increasing accountability, and improving communication among providers and families, while maintaining a system of quality services. On October 1, 2010, the first roll-out of modifications began; click here for a complete listing.
After careful consideration and review of provider, parent and stakeholder feedback, we will be moving forward with the proposal requiring providers to be associated with a multidisciplinary agency. Below are provider requirements, as well as the timeline for implementation.
First Steps Multidisciplinary Agency requirements:
• Must register the business with the Indiana Secretary of State
• Must be in good standing with Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the Indiana Department of Revenue
• A multidisciplinary agency is required to maintain enrollment with a minimum of ten First Steps providers within each service area. Of the ten providers, two must be from each of the following disciplines:
• Developmental
• Occupational
• Physical
• Speech Therapy.
• Must have the ability to obtain and provide all other required services through employment, written agreement or contract with the exception of Service Coordination 470 IAC 3.1-1-26
• Must successfully demonstrate the ability to bill insurance and/or documentation of satisfactorily completing approved Third Party Liability (TPL) training
• The physical location of the business must be accessible and open to the public at least five days per week during normal business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30 A.M – 5:00 P.M.)
• Must have an agreement to work within specific service areas to ensure that all areas of the state have adequate access to services
• Must have a Quality Assurance structure with written policies and procedures to meet all contractual obligations, including but not limited to compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
• Must have established procedures to ensure quality fiscal controls and billing, with knowledge of coding and therapy terminology
• Must have a structure that provides staff support, continued education and mentoring for providers, with a clear line of authority and supervision of compliance of guidelines and quality of work
Implementation Timeline:
To facilitate a smooth and coordinated transition, the following timeline will be implemented:
The provider enrollment office will accept Letters of Intent for Multidisciplinary Agencies.
BCDS will make available provider agreements and the application process for multidisciplinary agency enrollment within First Steps.
The provider enrollment office will review applications and initiate enrollment of multidisciplinary agencies meeting enrollment criteria.
Implementation of 5% rate decrease, with the exception of those rates currently set at the Medicaid rate.
Multidisciplinary agencies that have not completed a new enrollment, may not receive “new” authorizations. Current authorizations will be honored until they expire or July 1, 2011, the sooner of the two.
Expiration of authorizations issued to providers that have not signed a new agreement.
During this 8-month transition period, providers may retain their current authorizations and continue to deliver necessary services to those families for which they have authorization. If during this transition period the employment status changes for an individual provider, with the parent’s consent, the authorization may be transferred to the new payee, allowing the provider to continue with the delivery of services.
Comments or questions may be submitted to firststepsweb@fssa.in.gov.
The Bureau of Child Development Services (BCDS) supports an early intervention program for children with developmental disabilities from birth to three years old, through the First Steps program. As BCDS continues to look at effective ways to secure a sustainable future for the First Steps program, adjustments are being implemented in order to continue to provide vital services to the children and families we serve.
Changes to the program are aimed at increasing accountability, and improving communication among providers and families, while maintaining a system of quality services. On October 1, 2010, the first roll-out of modifications began; click here for a complete listing.
After careful consideration and review of provider, parent and stakeholder feedback, we will be moving forward with the proposal requiring providers to be associated with a multidisciplinary agency. Below are provider requirements, as well as the timeline for implementation.
First Steps Multidisciplinary Agency requirements:
• Must register the business with the Indiana Secretary of State
• Must be in good standing with Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the Indiana Department of Revenue
• A multidisciplinary agency is required to maintain enrollment with a minimum of ten First Steps providers within each service area. Of the ten providers, two must be from each of the following disciplines:
• Developmental
• Occupational
• Physical
• Speech Therapy.
• Must have the ability to obtain and provide all other required services through employment, written agreement or contract with the exception of Service Coordination 470 IAC 3.1-1-26
• Must successfully demonstrate the ability to bill insurance and/or documentation of satisfactorily completing approved Third Party Liability (TPL) training
• The physical location of the business must be accessible and open to the public at least five days per week during normal business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30 A.M – 5:00 P.M.)
• Must have an agreement to work within specific service areas to ensure that all areas of the state have adequate access to services
• Must have a Quality Assurance structure with written policies and procedures to meet all contractual obligations, including but not limited to compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
• Must have established procedures to ensure quality fiscal controls and billing, with knowledge of coding and therapy terminology
• Must have a structure that provides staff support, continued education and mentoring for providers, with a clear line of authority and supervision of compliance of guidelines and quality of work
Implementation Timeline:
To facilitate a smooth and coordinated transition, the following timeline will be implemented:
The provider enrollment office will accept Letters of Intent for Multidisciplinary Agencies.
BCDS will make available provider agreements and the application process for multidisciplinary agency enrollment within First Steps.
The provider enrollment office will review applications and initiate enrollment of multidisciplinary agencies meeting enrollment criteria.
Implementation of 5% rate decrease, with the exception of those rates currently set at the Medicaid rate.
Multidisciplinary agencies that have not completed a new enrollment, may not receive “new” authorizations. Current authorizations will be honored until they expire or July 1, 2011, the sooner of the two.
Expiration of authorizations issued to providers that have not signed a new agreement.
During this 8-month transition period, providers may retain their current authorizations and continue to deliver necessary services to those families for which they have authorization. If during this transition period the employment status changes for an individual provider, with the parent’s consent, the authorization may be transferred to the new payee, allowing the provider to continue with the delivery of services.
Comments or questions may be submitted to firststepsweb@fssa.in.gov.