FV Indiana has received the following from several providers, we have not been able to find this information posted by the state. We are sharing it as we hope it provided enough information for affected families to ask questions and seek clarification if needed. We encourage our members to contact their First Step SPOE or the State administrators, for clarification as needed.
To lessen the impact of the transition on families the following applies: Effective January 1, 2011: *Children born on or before July 1, 2008 may continue with their current service providers, if the team agrees that the services are necessary and appropriate. Providers do not have to be with the same agency. *As IFSPs are reviewed and change pages completed, service coordinators may write plans that continue with the same service providers, even if the providers are with different agencies when it is determined by the team that the services are necessary and appropriate, the providers are available, and the providers to be authorized have signed a new rider A to provide services with a multidisciplinary agency. In addition and prior to authorizing services, the agencies written into the plan must agree to work collaboratively in the delivery of service and to have one of the agencies designated as the "lead" as chosen so by the family. As additional services are authorized, new providers must be a part of the lead agency. This requirement only applies to the continuation of existing services. *Initial IFSPs written after Jan 1,2011 must have services written through a multidisciplinary agency. In the event that an agency is not available, the SPOE supervisor and State will work collaboratively to determine if a multidisciplinary agency in another service area or one who is in the process of enrollment is available. At no time however may the SC offer a provider outside of the service area or who is not enrolled as part of a multidisciplinary agency prior to obtaining approval for the state and their supervisor.