Indiana does not yet have a KASA chapter. FV Indiana would love to support efforts to start one. Read on, compleate the survey and drop us a note if you would like to start one here. Please share this information with others who might be interested!
Are you a youth or know a youth who would be interested in starting a KASA chapter in your state?
National Kids As Self Advocates (KASA) is a youth-run project of Family Voices. National KASA has two leadership bodies. It has a Board of youth (ages 12-24), which decides how the project will run and the work KASA will do. The second leadership body is the Task Force also made up of youth (ages 12-18). The Task Force works on large group projects and takes time to learn about disability identity, pride, advocacy skills and more. KASA also has members who write tip-sheets for the website, participate in training, and share their stories with National KASA to help advocacy efforts.
The KASA Board appreciates its members, but knows that young people with disabilities need more opportunities to connect and learn from each other. National KASA wants to create a national network of connected state chapters so that youth with disabilities can have a strong voice on a national level. National KASA currently has one state chapter in Connecticut that combines leadership and learning into one group of youth representing their state. Based on the lessons they have learned, National KASA has created an in-depth manual on how to start other KASA state chapters.
If you are interested in starting a KASA state chapter in your state, the first step is to fill out our survey.
You can find the survey at:
If you are interested in starting a KASA state chapter please complete this survey by January 7th. At that point, KASA will review the survey and begin communication with states that are interested in starting chapters.
KASA looks forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:
KASA Chapter Development Committee
KASA believes that young people with disabilities will have control over their own lives and futures. We will do this by informing youth about their rights, providing peer support and training, and changing systems to include us.