Family Voices shares this reminder from the State Dept of Health regarding changes to the Children's Special Health Care Services program:
As this year closes and a new one begins, I want to remind everyone of some important changes that were put in place during 2010.
1. CSHCS counts all income and that includes SSI.
2. All families must apply for Hoosier Healthwise and must complete the process. This can be done at the same time the CSHCS application is being processed. The family does not have to wait for a decision. The denial or acceptance letter should be forwarded to CSHCS.
3. If there is a religious exemption preventing them from applying for Hoosier Healthwise, the verification (a copy of Form 4029) must be submitted with the CSHCS application. A copy of their Federal Tax Form 1040 (front & back) will also suffice.
If you have any questions, please as always, contact me for clarification.
Judi Johnson, Training Coordinator
Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS)
Indiana State Dept. of Health
2 North Meridian St., Section 7B
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(T) 317-233-5571
(F) 317-233-1342
As this year closes and a new one begins, I want to remind everyone of some important changes that were put in place during 2010.
1. CSHCS counts all income and that includes SSI.
2. All families must apply for Hoosier Healthwise and must complete the process. This can be done at the same time the CSHCS application is being processed. The family does not have to wait for a decision. The denial or acceptance letter should be forwarded to CSHCS.
3. If there is a religious exemption preventing them from applying for Hoosier Healthwise, the verification (a copy of Form 4029) must be submitted with the CSHCS application. A copy of their Federal Tax Form 1040 (front & back) will also suffice.
If you have any questions, please as always, contact me for clarification.
Judi Johnson, Training Coordinator
Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS)
Indiana State Dept. of Health
2 North Meridian St., Section 7B
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(T) 317-233-5571
(F) 317-233-1342