Over the past year, Family Voices has heard from many concerned parents regarding denial of Medicaid therapies. There was recently a class action suit decision regarding the handling of those denials. We are attaching the entire ruling and encourage you to read it, especially if you are experiencing difficulties getting therapies covered.
You should also ensure your child has the appropriate type of Medicaid. Children with disabilities are often eligible for Medicaid Disability, also referred to as Traditional Medicaid. You can find more information here.
You may need to ask for a supervisor at DFR in order to apply for this. You can find your DFR office here: http://www.in.gov/fssa/dfr/2999.htm
This affects primarily children under age 21. The ruling cites ESPDT as a reason for providing services. The Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Program is the child health component of Medicaid. It's required in every state and is designed to improve the health of low-income children, by financing appropriate and necessary pediatric services.
The ruling can be found here: http://www.ucpaindy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Therapy-vs-Medicaid.pdf