Family Voices encourages our members to be knowledgeable about policies affecting families and children with disabilities. We're sharing this information as one way to be more aware of national issues. We hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity.
The White House has been hosting monthly calls to update you on various disability issues as well as to introduce you to persons who work on disability issues in the federal government.
This month's topic will be on the President's budget as it relates to people with disabilities.
This call is off the record and not for press purposes.
We strongly urge and ask that you distribute this email broadly to your networks and list serves so that anyone who wants to participate and learn about the President's budget can do so.
Our next call will be Tuesday, February 15 at 1:00 PM Eastern.
The conference call information is below.
Dial in for listeners: United States: (800) 288-8974
Title: White House Disability Call (use instead of code)
Date of Call: 02/15/2011
Start Time: 1:00 PM Eastern
For live captioning, at time of call, log onto:
The White House has been hosting monthly calls to update you on various disability issues as well as to introduce you to persons who work on disability issues in the federal government.
This month's topic will be on the President's budget as it relates to people with disabilities.
This call is off the record and not for press purposes.
We strongly urge and ask that you distribute this email broadly to your networks and list serves so that anyone who wants to participate and learn about the President's budget can do so.
Our next call will be Tuesday, February 15 at 1:00 PM Eastern.
The conference call information is below.
Dial in for listeners: United States: (800) 288-8974
Title: White House Disability Call (use instead of code)
Date of Call: 02/15/2011
Start Time: 1:00 PM Eastern
For live captioning, at time of call, log onto: