FV Indiana shares the following free training opportunity for our members:
Have you experienced an inaccessible entrance, parking or other barriers? If you want to learn more about what “accessible” means and related laws, guidelines and standards, register for a webinar sponsored by the ADA National Network and the U.S. Access Board. This online training provides information about accessibility not just of physical environments like fitness centers, post offices or hospitals, but also transportation and information technology.
For more information visit this link: https://www.disability.gov/community_life/accessibility_guidelines_%26_standards/businesses_%26_service_providers
Have you experienced an inaccessible entrance, parking or other barriers? If you want to learn more about what “accessible” means and related laws, guidelines and standards, register for a webinar sponsored by the ADA National Network and the U.S. Access Board. This online training provides information about accessibility not just of physical environments like fitness centers, post offices or hospitals, but also transportation and information technology.
For more information visit this link: https://www.disability.gov/community_life/accessibility_guidelines_%26_standards/businesses_%26_service_providers