FV Indiana wanted to share the impact of your advocacy. The final budget language is in place. You can read it starting on page 195 at:
Many of our members have asked about the commission, the short answer is that these will be public meetings and you can and should engage in this process. FV Indiana will work to share details of meetings, agendas and opportunities for input as they become available.
In the mean time please take some time today to contact your legislators and thank them for listening to your input, share that you continue to be committed to working with them to improve the complex systems that serve our state.
And THANK YOU, for your tremendous efforts this week, you voice was heard!
Many of our members have asked about the commission, the short answer is that these will be public meetings and you can and should engage in this process. FV Indiana will work to share details of meetings, agendas and opportunities for input as they become available.
In the mean time please take some time today to contact your legislators and thank them for listening to your input, share that you continue to be committed to working with them to improve the complex systems that serve our state.
And THANK YOU, for your tremendous efforts this week, you voice was heard!