FV Indiana joins with other advocacy organizations to urge our members to contact your state Senator and Representative today about changes to Medicaid Waivers contained in the State Budget as approved by the Indiana Senate Appropriations Committee on April 18, 2011.
You can learn more by reading the Arc of Indiana's Action Alert
You can read the proposed language by visiting the Indiana Bill Tracker for HB 1001 The language around this issue is found on page 198 under the section titled, Chapter 45. Medicaid Waivers.
Please share with thoughts and experiences with your legislators around the importance of continuing to waiver parental income when determining eligibility for Medicaid Waivers.
If the bill passes as amended, Indiana's office of Medicaid Policy and Planning would be required to ask the federal government to amend Indiana's waiver program to no longer disregard (waive) parental income for children under the age of 19 in order to allow those children to receive Medicaid waiver services. The direct effect of this is an estimated 1,500 children currently on the DD Waiver, Support Services Waiver and the Autism waiver would no longer be eligible for critical home and community supports.
You can learn more by reading the Arc of Indiana's Action Alert
You can read the proposed language by visiting the Indiana Bill Tracker for HB 1001 The language around this issue is found on page 198 under the section titled, Chapter 45. Medicaid Waivers.
Please share with thoughts and experiences with your legislators around the importance of continuing to waiver parental income when determining eligibility for Medicaid Waivers.
Contact your local Senator by email or phone at: (800) 382-9467
Contact local House of Representatives members at: (800) 382-9842
To find your legislator visit: http://district.iga.in.gov/DistrictLookup
Also Contact:
Governor Mitch Daniels at: (317) 232-4567 or mdaniels@gov.in.gov;
DDRS Director Julia Holloway at (317) 232-1147 or julia.holloway@fssa.in.gov
Senator Luke Kenley at (317) 232- 9453 or s20@in.gov.