TALKING Points for April 26, 2011
Indiana 1001 Budget: Medicaid Waivers: Share YOUR Voice
The Indiana House and Senate are considering a Senate amendment to HB1001, the budget bill, called Section 139. It would tie Medicaid waivers to parental income and institute other measures that could eliminate thousands of children and adults with disabilities and special health care needs from waiver coverage. On Tuesday, families and self-advocates will gather to ask our legislators to remove Section 139 from the Senate Amendment of HB1001.
Your Voice is being HEARD, Don’t Stop Yet!
FV Indiana has received draft language of changes to Section 139
o The proposal is to use a Medicaid oversight commission that would oversee changes to the waivers including:
Calculating budget neutrality on an individual basis
Instituting a family care program
Evaluating placement options
Requiring cost participation for families whose income exceeded 500% of the federal poverty level.
Family Voices believes in the need for a clear and honest evaluation of options, needs, cost and impact of all proposed changes.
The process needs to be transparent and accountable.
We believe a legislative interim study committee is far more appropriate than an oversight committee to address these issues.
We are concerned that an oversight committee removes control from the legislature and limits the public participation that is needed to ensure that these complex systems work for Hoosiers.
Indiana 1001 Budget: Medicaid Waivers: Share YOUR Voice
The Indiana House and Senate are considering a Senate amendment to HB1001, the budget bill, called Section 139. It would tie Medicaid waivers to parental income and institute other measures that could eliminate thousands of children and adults with disabilities and special health care needs from waiver coverage. On Tuesday, families and self-advocates will gather to ask our legislators to remove Section 139 from the Senate Amendment of HB1001.
Your Voice is being HEARD, Don’t Stop Yet!
FV Indiana has received draft language of changes to Section 139
o The proposal is to use a Medicaid oversight commission that would oversee changes to the waivers including:
Calculating budget neutrality on an individual basis
Instituting a family care program
Evaluating placement options
Requiring cost participation for families whose income exceeded 500% of the federal poverty level.
Family Voices believes in the need for a clear and honest evaluation of options, needs, cost and impact of all proposed changes.
The process needs to be transparent and accountable.
We believe a legislative interim study committee is far more appropriate than an oversight committee to address these issues.
We are concerned that an oversight committee removes control from the legislature and limits the public participation that is needed to ensure that these complex systems work for Hoosiers.