Family Voices shares this informational alert from Fifth Freedom regarding proposed new rules for community based services. We encourage our members to take advantage of this opportunity to share your voice.
REMINDER: New Medicaid rules about community-based services
Comments requested!
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are proposing some new rules that may change how people receive community-based services.
One proposed change would allow states to serve more than one group with a single Medicaid Waiver. Currently, states must design different Waivers for targeted groups, such as people with developmental disabilities and seniors. This would allow, for example, states to create a single Waiver program for individuals with developmental disabilities who live with senior caregivers who are also eligible for Medicaid.
Another proposed change would give Medicaid Waiver recipients more control in planning their services. The proposed change would help ensure that Waiver programs that the individual has a meaningful role in directing the process, and that the program offers choices to the individual regarding the services and supports they receive and from whom.
You can read the entire document outlining the proposed changes here.
CMS has requested public comments on these proposed rule changes. Comments are due by June 14, 2011. Please include this ID number in your comments, so they know which proposal you're talking about: CMS-22296-P
You can send comments by mail to:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
Attention: CMS-2296-P
P.O. Box 8016
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850
You can also comment online at Just click here.
REMINDER: New Medicaid rules about community-based services
Comments requested!
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are proposing some new rules that may change how people receive community-based services.
One proposed change would allow states to serve more than one group with a single Medicaid Waiver. Currently, states must design different Waivers for targeted groups, such as people with developmental disabilities and seniors. This would allow, for example, states to create a single Waiver program for individuals with developmental disabilities who live with senior caregivers who are also eligible for Medicaid.
Another proposed change would give Medicaid Waiver recipients more control in planning their services. The proposed change would help ensure that Waiver programs that the individual has a meaningful role in directing the process, and that the program offers choices to the individual regarding the services and supports they receive and from whom.
You can read the entire document outlining the proposed changes here.
CMS has requested public comments on these proposed rule changes. Comments are due by June 14, 2011. Please include this ID number in your comments, so they know which proposal you're talking about: CMS-22296-P
You can send comments by mail to:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
Attention: CMS-2296-P
P.O. Box 8016
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850
You can also comment online at Just click here.