FV Indiana often hears from families about the process of getting a diagnose for their child. We encourage you to take a few moments and complete the following survey. Your input can make a difference for other families.
The Riley Child Development Center has partnered with The Hamilton County Autism Support Group to survey parent’s impressions of the diagnostic process for their child. The goal of this research survey is to improve the diagnostic process for families who are already dealing with a lot of concerns, confusion, stress, and uncertainty.
Would you please take the following survey and help us make a difference?
https://rileypeds.com:50443/RCDC/Lists/ParentsImpressionsDiagnosticProcess/NewForm.aspxSee the attached flyer for more information.
Thank you for your help and support with this effort to better serve the special needs families of Indiana.
The Riley Child Development Center has partnered with The Hamilton County Autism Support Group to survey parent’s impressions of the diagnostic process for their child. The goal of this research survey is to improve the diagnostic process for families who are already dealing with a lot of concerns, confusion, stress, and uncertainty.
Would you please take the following survey and help us make a difference?
https://rileypeds.com:50443/RCDC/Lists/ParentsImpressionsDiagnosticProcess/NewForm.aspxSee the attached flyer for more information.
Thank you for your help and support with this effort to better serve the special needs families of Indiana.