Opportunity for input: DDRS draft policies
Family Voices encourages its members to take this opportunity to provide the family viewpoint regarding these possible policy changes. Please note that the first one, waiting list for waiver services, includes language regarding the policy that a family must obtain a DDP interview for their child once they turn 6.
from DDRS:
The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) has made a commitment to transparency and public input in the policy development process. As a result, all new policies and policy updates will be posted online for public review and comment. The public comment period will last 30 business days from the date of posting, after which all policies will be removed from the page, reviewed based on the public input, finalized and posted onto the DDRS Policy web page.
The following policies will be posted on DDRS Draft Policies for Public Comment page, on June 20, 2011 and will be available for review until July 20, 2011:
Please send all comments to DDRSpolicies@fssa.IN.gov
If you have any questions please E-mail DDRSpolicies@fssa.IN.gov.