Featured program for July newsletter: Medicaid

This month's Family Voices Indiana newsletter features the Medicaid program in Indiana. For children with special health care needs and/or disabilities, this program is often crucial. We have been sharing information about the federal debt ceiling discussions, and efforts to share with Congress the importance of this program.

You can read more about this program by subscribing to our newsletter. Simply subscribe via Tiny Letter: http://tinyletter.com/fvindiana

If you need more information or resources regarding Medicaid or other health care financing options, please contact us at 317 944 8982 or email us via: Jennifer@fvindiana.org

This Sunny Start sheet gives you an overview of the program:
FS Medicaid


Anonymous said…
Medicaid program has helped thousands of children with disabilities. I can truly related to those parents who have struggle to maintain medical coverage for their children. I became unemployed about a year ago, and I wasn’t able to keep my health insurance. I was very lucky that my son was able to qualified for Medicaid coverage. As a parent one of my main concerns is to provide medical coverage for my son. Medicaid has been a very important source, that has help me to maintain my son wellbeing.

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