Featured program for August newsletter: DD Medicaid Waivers

This month's Family Voices Indiana newsletter features the DD Medicaid Waiver program in Indiana. For children with special health care needs and/or disabilities, this program is often crucial to support a child's long term needs. Since the waiting list is over 10 years long, it is important to apply now. A health information specialist can explain the program and help you apply.

You can read more about this program by subscribing to our newsletter. Simply subscribe via Tiny Letter:http://tinyletter.com/fvindiana

If you need more information or resources regarding Medicaid waivers or other health care financing options, please contact us at 317 944 8982 or email us via: Jennifer@fvindiana.org

This Sunny Start sheet gives you an overview of the program:

FS_MedicaidWaivers_DD (1)
