Family Voices Indiana hopes that its members will take advantage of opportunities to share the family voice in regards to policies that affect those with special health care needs and/or disabilities. This commission is charged with studying the proposed changes to the Medicaid waiver program originally included in HEA 1001. We encourage you to attend this meetings if at all possible:
Select Joint Commission on Medicaid Oversight
Tuesday, August 23 10 am
State House
200 W. Washington St.
Senate Chambers
State House
200 W. Washington St.
Senate Chambers
(1) Update on implementation of the hybrid eligibility system.
- Michael Gargano, Secretary, FSSA
(2) Overview of preparation and development of healthcare exchanges
and federal health care reform.
- Seema Verma, Health Care Reform Lead
(3) Overview of the Medicaid family planning State Plan Amendment.
(4) Provider reimbursement rates and cost initiatives.
- Pat Casanova, Director, OMPP
(5) HP and MCOs contract performance reports.
(6) Update on Developmental Disabilities Home & Community-based
Services Waiver revisions. (HEA 1001 - 2011, SECTION 144)
- Julia Holloway, Director, DDRS
- Kim Dodson, The ARC of Indiana
- Rylin Rodgers, Family Voices Indiana
(7) Select next meeting date & Other Business.
(The meeting will be broadcast over the Internet for those unable to attend. Please visit to watch the Webcast.)