Members of Family Voices Indiana attended the Developmental Disability (DD) Commission meeting Wednesday at the statehouse. Family Voices tweeted in real time on Twitter @FVIndiana as well. The following were key points of that presentation (embedded below):
The Division of Disability and Rehabilitation Services (DDRS) is charged with providing information regarding House Bill 1001, Section 144, including the proposal for cost-participation for families at 500% of poverty (approx $110, 000 for a family of four) whose children are under 18. Representatives of key stakeholder groups, to include families and self advocates, will provide updates on progress on this issue.
DDRS is trying to improve communication, including more transparency with policies and statistics. A “waiver journey” guide is also supposed to be added to the DDRS site at
DDRS is committed to maximizing integrated employment opportunities for people with disabilities through the Employment First Initiative. A more detailed explanation of that plan can be found here:
A review of the new Objection Budget Allocations (OBA) was presented. It included data that indicates that since implementation of that process, 44% of budgets have increased, 55% have decreased and 1% have remained the same. Much of the cost savings was attributed to individuals changing living situations by finding housemates.
Not included in the slides is information regarding appeals of those budgets. According to DDRS, 70% of appeals have been voluntarily withdrawn prior to a hearing. Of those that were decided at a hearing, only two cases resulted in a change in budget at that stage.
Information on the waiting list included a “clean up” of the list. That process included removing individuals who have never had a Disability Determination Profile (DDP) done, so Family Voices Indiana strongly encourages families to call their local BDDS office to ensure that is done once the child turns 6. If the child is over 6 and a DDP has not been done, families should still seek one to ensure access to services.
Current application dates being targeted include:
November 4, 2002 for the Support Services waiver
May 1, 1999 for the Developmental Disabilities waiver
September 8, 1999 for the Autism waiver
The targeting process takes approximately five months from when the individual is targeted to when they actually start services.
When asked about the length of the waiting list and the cost of current participants receiving services, DDRS provided the following information: Approx $450 million is being spent on the DD waivers/yr; Approx $20 million on the Autism waiver; and approx $68 million on the Support Services waiver.
In regards to Olmstead and individuals with DD transitioning from a nursing facility (NF) to waiver services, are over 1500 individuals in NF who could be eligible for such a transition. 39 people have moved onto waiver services since 2009.
DDRS then reviewed a change to broader priority criteria slots to allow greater flexibility to meet those needs.
Representative Culver asked DDRS about the possibility of a second case management company, in addition to IPMG, in order to secure additional federal funding. Ms Holloway responded that a request for proposal to address case management services will be available next year.
John Dickerson of The Arc of Indiana, and Jim Hammond of IN-ARF, then presented testimony.
The meeting was adjourned. Future meetings are scheduled for Sept ember 7 at 1p, October 5 at 1p and October 26 at 1:30p. Participation in these meetings could be supported by the Family Leadership Development Fund, so families are encouraged to apply for that stipend by requesting an application. Call 317 944 8982 or email
The following ppt was provided by The Arc of Indiana:Ddrs Report to Commission on Dd 8.10.11