Family Voices Indiana hopes that its members will take advantage of opportunities to share the family voice in regards to policies that affect those with special health care needs and/or disabilities. The DD commission and Select Joint Commission on Medicaid Oversight are charged with studying the proposed changes to the Medicaid waiver program originally included in HEA 1001 (the budget bill language):
Sec. 4. (a) Before July 1, 2012, the division shall report orally and in writing to the commission for review of a plan to reduce the aggregate and per capita cost of the waiver by implementing changes to the waiver that may include the following:
(1) Calculating budget neutrality on an individual rather than an aggregate basis
(2) Instituting a family care program to provide recipients with another option for receiving services
(3) Evaluating the current system to determine whether a group home or a waiver home is the most appropriate use of resources for placement of the individual
(4) Evaluating alternative placements for high cost individuals to ensure individuals are served in the most integrated setting appropriate to the individual's needs and within the resources available to the state
(5) Migrating individuals from the waiver to a redesigned waiver that provides options to individuals for receiving services and supports appropriate to meet the individual's needs and that are cost effective and high quality and focus on social and health outcomes
(6) Requiring cost participation by a recipient whose family income exceeds five hundred percent (500%) of the federal income poverty level, factoring in medical expenses and personal care needs expenses of the recipient
(b) After the division makes the report required under subsection (a), the division may consult with the office and take any action necessary to carry out the requirements of this section, including applying to the federal Department of Health and Human Services for approval to amend the waiver.
There is currently a group meeting weekly with DDRS to look at the proposals in HEA 1001. That group includes The Arc of Indiana, INARF, IPMG, INABC. There are plans to hold regional forums with families and self advocates to get input on the issues.
We encourage our members to become educated about the issues and to contact members of each committee to share the family voice regarding proposed changes that may affect our children.
Participation in these meetings could be supported by the Family Leadership Development Fund, so families are encouraged to apply for that stipend by requesting an application. Call 317 944 8982 or email
Commission on Developmental Disabilities (DD Commission)
Future meetings are scheduled for September 7 at 1p, October 5 at 1p and October 26 at 1:30p.
State House
200 W. Washington St.
Senate Chambers
This committee is following progress on DDRS Plan to Reduce Aggregate and Per Capita Cost of Medicaid
Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Services Waiver (HEA 1001 - 2011, SECTION 144) as well as other issue relevant to the DD community.
Note from the last meeting are in this post:
Sen. Connie Lawson, Chairperson
Sen. Jean Breaux
Rep. Wes Culver
Rep. Sheila Klinker
Sally Lowery
Suda Hopkins
Betty Williams
Christopher Durcholz
Susan Ferverda Hoback
Bettye Dunham
Scott Sefton
Sharon Kooi
Select Joint Commission on Medicaid Oversight
Next meeting Sept 14 at 2p
State House
200 W. Washington St.
Senate Chambers
This committee has been charged with receiving a report from FSSA regarding costs of Medicaid waivers administered by the Division on Disability and Rehabilitation Services via HEA 1001, section 144.
Notes from the last meeting are in this post:
Committee members:
Sen. Patricia Miller
Sen. Ryan Mishler
Sen. Brandt Hershman
Sen. Jean Breaux
Sen. Vi Simpson
Sen. Earline Rogers
Rep. Timothy Brown
Rep. Suzanne Crouch
Rep. Don Lehe
Rep. William Crawford
Rep. Charlie Brown
Rep. Peggy Welch