Family Voices Indiana wants to ensure its members are aware of agencies and programs that affect individuals with special health care needs and/or disabilities. DDRS has posted the following bulletin regarding The Bureau of Quality Improvement Services (BQIS). From DDRS:
BQIS Web Page Updates (
BQIS has added the following two new sections to its web page:
Mortality Data and Recommendations
This section includes data and recommendations from the Mortality Review Committee (MRC). The
MRC reviews deaths of all individuals who received DDRS-funded services and provides
recommendations to mitigate future deaths from occurring due to the same/similar circumstances.
While the mortality data presented on the BQIS webpage may pertain to comorbid conditions that are
not attributable to the cause of death, the risks involved with these conditions warrant providers’
further examination. The expectation is for providers to increase its staff’s awareness of the issues
discussed, identify preventative actions it can take, and to ultimately lead to systemic actions to prevent
future deaths and other negative outcomes for individuals.
Find instructions for how to file a complaint, including BQIS contact information, and key information to
include when reporting a complaint.
You can read the entire announcement here: