Family Voices Indiana shares this opportunity for you to share any experiences you have had with the medical home model.
Tell NCMHI Your Medical Home Stories!
How have you been impacted by the medical home approach to care? Through the medical home model, a pediatrician and the entire practice team provide patient- and family-centered care through a trusting, collaborative, working partnership with families, respecting their diversity, and recognizing that they are the constant in a child’s life.
The National Center for Medical Home Implementation (NCMHI) is gathering information from pediatric clinicians, families, and other medical home stakeholders about their experiences related to the value of the medical home and how it plays out in real life. The information the NCMHI is seeking will be captured in the form of testimonials and stories; quotes will be excerpted and utilized in NCMHI marketing and educational materials to portray the real-life influence that the medical home has had on communities, practices, patients and their families.
Please complete the NCMHI survey at