Official letter from FSSA regarding incontinence items

The letter we included in the post regarding a change in incontinence suppliers came from one of our members who currently uses HPD for her supplies. The following is the official notice from FSSA:

November 1, 2011

Attention: To continue receiving incontinence or ostomy supplies you need to select a new provider by December 9, 2011.

Dear Member,

We are contacting you to tell you about a change in providers of incontinence and ostomy supplies. Our records indicate that you have been getting these supplies from Healthcare Products Delivery, Inc. (HPD). HPD will not be an approved provider after January 31, 2012. This means that you will need to get your supplies through one of the approved providers listed below:

Binson’s Incontinence Program Toll Free Phone Number: 1-888-217-9610

J&B Medical Supply Toll Free Phone Number: 1-866-674-5850

You must call one of the providers listed above prior to December 9, 2011. They will do all the work to assess your needs and assure that you will not have a break in supplies. If you choose, you may continue to have HPD send supplies until January 31, 2012. However, it is important to contact one of the providers above prior to December 9, 2011 so that you do not experience a gap in receiving supplies.

If you are not getting supplies from HPD and already receive supplies from one of the two providers listed above, you do not need to do anything.

We are confident that both of our providers are able to meet the supply needs of all members.

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