Family Voices Indiana urges its members to educate themselves regarding proposed legislation that impacts children with special health care needs this session. You can find a list of all proposed bills here.
We share HB 1367 which could impact education for the deaf and hard of hearing:
Deaf and hearing impaired education services. Establishes the center for deaf and hearing impaired education to ensure that children who are deaf or hearing impaired acquire optimal communication and academic abilities. Requires the office of management and budget to determine an appropriate agency to provide office space and staff support for the center. Transfers the outreach services and consultative services to local education agencies to assist in meeting the needs of locally enrolled students with hearing disabilities of the Indiana School for the Deaf to the center for deaf and hearing impaired education. Provides that the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Indiana School for the Deaf are subject to accountability provisions for performance and improvement, but are not subject to sanction provisions.
You can read the entire proposed bill here.
We encourage our members to share how this would affect their child by contacting their legislators. You can find out who your legislator is here
You can find contact info here.
If you need help with how best to share your story, or contact your legislator, please contact us at 317 944 8982 or
People, you have to stand up if you are against this bill! The hearing community is MUCH larger than the deaf. they need our help to oppose this bill!!! Speak up!!!! Every person counts!!