Family Voices Indiana shares this information from DDRS regarding the waiver waiting list letters that were mailed recently......
To: DDRS Stakeholders
From: DDRS Central Office
Re: Waiver Wait List Letter FAQ
Date: March 19, 2012
The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) has been working to make some
positive changes in its service delivery to consumers. In preparation for these changes, we are
making an effort to ensure that our Waiver Wait List is as updated as possible.
Last week, consumers whose names are currently listed on the DDRS Medicaid Waiver Wait List
received a letter and a Waiver Wait List Status Form from DDRS asking them to:
1. Review and update their contact information (if necessary) on the Waiver Wait List
Status Form
2. Indicate their desire to remain on the Waiver Wait List on the Waiver Wait List Status
3. Contact their local BDDS office if interested in placement into group homes.
A copy of this letter and the Waiver Wait List Status Form has been uploaded to the Division of
Disability and Rehabilitative Services website for reference.
It is our understanding that there are questions and confusion among some families regarding
this letter, its purpose, and how it affects their current or future Wavier service delivery. The
Division has compiled a list of questions it and its District Offices have received in recent days.
The letter is embedded below: