Family Voices Indiana shares this opportunity to share your voice. CYACC is seeking input on their Welcome to Adult Life Modules. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey:
The Center for Youth and Adults with Conditions of Childhood (CYACC) has a partnership with Down Syndrome Indiana to create a peer and caregiver curriculum around transition to adult life and self-management skills for youth and young adults with intellectual disabilities. The Welcome to Adult Life modules focus on a variety of topics, including education and employment, health care and healthy habits, decision making, community participation and relationships. We want the training to be meaningful to those who participate, and we would like to ask for your help in the design of the program. The link below connects to a survey to seek what participants might like from the curriculum. It can be completed online and should take approximately 5-7 minutes for caregivers to complete, or 15-20 minutes if they work together with a self-advocate.
We appreciate your help and suggestions!