FUSE and Family Voices Indiana are partnering to bring you To Your Child’s Health, a series of health care finance trainings designed to help families raising children with disabilities learn more about the systems that can help meet their child’s health needs.

We have a NEW training: Filling the Funding Gaps. Raising a child with special health care needs or disabilities brings unexpected and added expenses. This training will explore the variety of grant, philanthropic and creative options available to help you meet your family’s needs. Be prepared to learn about the hidden options you need to know! You can find it, and the webquest, on our website: http://www.fvindiana.org/training

Special thanks to Lucas Arland for providing the narration!

If you view the training, please take the short survey to provide feedback so we can continue to improve our services: http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e5ue5wwyh19p3wa4/start 

Future sessions in the series include: All Kinds of Medicaid (August 18) Health Care Financing after age 18 (October 20).
