Family Voices Indiana and About Special Kids have created a video to help explain the proposed changes to Indiana's DD Waiver Services (Section 144). You can find it at this link:
We also posted yesterday that the proposal to CMS to make the changes to the Support Services waiver to create the new Family Support Waiver has been submitted by the state. We will be providing additional guidance about what that proposal contains and what families can do to provide input prior to any approval by CMS.
It is important to note that this proposal affects ALL individuals waiting for a DD, Autism or Support Services waiver slot. The proposal creates a new waiver with a cap of $16,250/yr for anyone on the waiting list. This new waiver will no longer be a "stepping stone" to the DD waiver. Individuals will receive the new Family Support Waiver, if eligible, and stay there unless they meet new criteria for a DD waiver, which will be very restrictive and limited.
You learn more about what this proposal might mean and what you can do by watching the link we have provided.
Stay tuned for more information from Family Voices Indiana about the actual amendment submitted to CMS for approval. If approved, changes to the waiver system may begin as early as July 2012.