Family Voices Indiana encourages families to stay up to date with upcoming proposed changes to the DD waiver system. The most recent DDRS communication was a webinar hosted by ASI and IRCA. The topic was: Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver – Q&A’s. The ultimate goals of the conversion of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities waivers to the Community Integration & Habilitation (CIH) waiver are to:
• Provide the Family Supports Waiver (FSW) to more people,
• Enable families to intervene earlier in the care for their family member with a Developmental Disability, including Autism,
• More rapidly reduce the wait time to receive funding from the state for services upon diagnosis.
Questions were taken during the May 30th webinar hosted by the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Service (DDRS), Autism Society of Indiana, and Indiana Resource Center for Autism.
• Provide the Family Supports Waiver (FSW) to more people,
• Enable families to intervene earlier in the care for their family member with a Developmental Disability, including Autism,
• More rapidly reduce the wait time to receive funding from the state for services upon diagnosis.
Questions were taken during the May 30th webinar hosted by the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Service (DDRS), Autism Society of Indiana, and Indiana Resource Center for Autism.
You can view the archived webinar here:
You can find the Q&A embedded below.
You can find an additional training regarding Sec 144 and changes to the SS waiver on our website:
Feel free to contact us with any additional questions: 317 944 8982